4.0.0 io.confluent kafka-rest-parent 5.0.0 kafka-rest jar kafka-rest The Kafka REST Proxy provides a RESTful interface to a Kafka cluster, making it easy to produce and consume messages, view the state of the cluster, and perform administrative actions without using the native Kafka protocol or clients. io.confluent rest-utils org.apache.kafka kafka_${kafka.scala.version} 1.1.0 org.apache.kafka kafka-clients 1.1.0 io.confluent kafka-avro-serializer 5.0.0 io.confluent kafka-json-serializer 5.0.0 org.slf4j slf4j-log4j12 ${log4j.version} io.confluent rest-utils-test test junit junit test org.apache.kafka kafka_${kafka.scala.version} test test org.apache.kafka kafka-clients test test io.confluent kafka-schema-registry ${project.version} test org.easymock easymock test org.codehaus.mojo exec-maven-plugin java io.confluent.kafkarest.KafkaRestMain maven-assembly-plugin 2.5.2 src/assembly/development.xml src/assembly/package.xml io.confluent.kafkarest.KafkaRestMain make-assembly package single standalone maven-assembly-plugin src/assembly/standalone.xml